
Departure: June 30th

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I was so encouraged this early Sunday morning by a quote someone posted at Chrisitian songwriters network. I love that there is no option for despair or failure in this quote.

"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Finding Petosky Stones

While in Michigan we went to a town called Petosky. Apparently you can find special stones native only to that area called Petosky stones. WEll, we collected a ton of stones and I think only one of them is really a petosky. Can you tell which one? Me either.......
Okay so I think the one fourth from the bottom is a Petosky. See the circular patterns?

The stone second from the right on the bottom is really really clean. Matthew discovered that if you lick it the lines and patterns are more visible. He must have licked that particular stone for about twenty minutes.

Michigan pics

So, here's a few more pics of lake michigan. You can see how far out the sand goes the water was so clear.

This is at a water park area in MI. I thought Matthew's pose was so hillarious! He had a blast going down the water slides into the water. He really thought he was a big boy that day!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Michigan - Ohio- Pennsylvania

No pictures today but just an update of our crazy week.

We spent three Days at Dave's parents house helping them with some repairs. Dave and his brother Brian and Jonathan built out the addition on the back of the house. Daniel, Matthew and I weeded the flower beds and planted flowers! We were so happy to have helped beautify Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We were so excited though to go to Cedar Point (Amusement park in Ohio) yesterday. Jonathan, Daniel and Dave rode all the big coasters. I couldn't believe Daniel rode the millenium force and the top thrill dragster! I was not getting on those! Matthew and I rode the yellow submarine and the ferris wheel (Much safer!)

So, here it is 9:15a.m. and all the boys are still sound asleep. Dave and I are checking emails and blogging and enjoying our morning together.

I think I'll go get another cup of coffee and sit on the deck! Ah, I love vacations.

We head back to Pennsylvania today. Can't wait to sit on my swings in the back yard.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lake Michigan? Nope Burt Lake

Matthew blowing bubbles on the beach. We decided to find a quieter beach and ended up not even being on lake Michigan. But it was a great day! Daniel loves getting buried in the sand! Dave was helping to finish the job!

Matt, Dave and Dan.

Mackinaw City MI

We had a wonderful evening at Makinaw City tonight. Daniel and Matthew loved climbing on the rocks! We paid three dollars to cross this bridge and then three dollars to turn around and come back! It was really cool!My Danny Boy and I...

My Jonathan and I...(he actually let me stand that close!)

All my boys!