
Departure: June 30th

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jon's family and friends letter

All our family and friends should expect to recieve a letter similar to the one below in a few weeks.

Dear Friends and Family,

I am writing to tell you about an amazing opportunity that I have this summer. I have been selected to be part of an eighteen person youth missions team to Champfleuri, France.  Champfleuri is in the southeastern part of France and is near the town of Grenoble.  Although France does not seem like a typical misison field, it is in fact in great need. Less than 1% of France considers themselves to be evangelical Christians.

Our team will leave on June 30th and return on July 16th.  We as teenagers have the amazing opportunity to minister to French youth at a camp run by Christian missionaries. Our team will assist in language workshops, outdoor activites, and most importantly building strong and meaningful relationships in which we can share the gospel with the people.  I am so excited to be part of this team and to work with an ongoing Christian ministry.  I hope to not only share my faith with others but be challenged in my faith and to grow closer to God through this experience.  the kind of spiritual growth that can be gained through this type of trip is so much more than I could hope to acheive her on my own.  I hope to come back from this tirp with a renewed love for others and for God.

If you are willing to assist our trip financially, I would be very thankful.  Each individual is asked to raise at least $1200 for the trip.  (Please see our donate link)

Thank you for your support. I look forward to sharing about my trip with all of you.

In Christ,

Jon Steel

Friday, March 12, 2010

Flying Blind

Yep, we're flying blind here Lord! But we're sure glad you're in the pilot seat.

Here's what we are thankful for:

  1. We sold our house! Close date is on March 30th.
  2. We have negotiated with the buyers, so we can stay in the house until April 30th.
  3. Piano Power is thriving and growing. God is providing!
  4. Dave has been accepted to the Doctorate program at Talbot. He'll go to Southern California for two weeks in June for his first annual residency.
  5. We've put a reserve on a three bedroom townhome in Malvern. It's a 3 mo. lease.
  6. Jon has been accepted to a missions team to France for two weeks this summer.

Prayer requests:

  1. Dave needs a job! He's available for window cleaning. I can tell you your house will SHINE!Please contact him at But please pray for something permanent.
  2. Pray for encouragement.
  3. Pray for a new ministry (You don't stop being a pastor simply because you don't have a "church" Dave and I both long for a place of ministry wherever we are.)
  4. Pray for our kids as we approach moving out of our home.

Thanks be to God our provider and source of joy!