
Departure: June 30th

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Look for joy!

This morning as I was reading a little book I got a women of faith conference, I was struck by the statement "Sometimes we have to go looking for joy. Good thing it's not that hard to find."

I put the book down in my lap and stared out the window. Is it possible that I've forgotten to look for joy? It's so much easier to look for problems and focus on what's not so joyful in our lives. As I looked out the window I realized that I suddenly wanted to find some joy. I rested my head back on the chair and breathed in the scent of the cinnamon buns I'd just made for my boys and listened to the Chris Tomlin CD I had playing in the background. Hmm.. Joy! It's not that hard to find!

Church was also an experience in joy this morning. People, I loved were there. Wonderful music and the cutest darn pastor I've ever seen. (Love you honey!)

Lunch with friends followed. Yep! More joy! Even now as I look at a sink full of dishes and pots and pans that need scrubbing, I can say, I feel joyful. Even happy! Those dirty dishes represent a wonderful afternoon spent talking, playing, singing, and holding my friends baby!

Well, the days not over yet. I am going to go in that kitchen and look for more joy! (Maybe I should start a bubble fight!_


1 comment:

Amy said...

Joleen, I needed to read this tonight ... thank you! I am really struggling with the lack of sleep that comes with an infant and 2 other young children ... but I am also surrounded by so many blessings. Thanks for helping me think about that!